List of hotels

  1. Universitetskaya hotel
    Address: Michurinskii av. 8/29.
    Tel. 147-20-62.
    Fax: 9399557.
    Reservation 25% from the price of one day, obligatory.
    Breakfast is not included.
  2. Kometa hotel
    Address: Vernadskogo av. 16.
    Tel. 431-29-87.
    Fax: 431-39-02.
    Reservation 25% from the price of one day, obligatory.
    Breakfast is included.
  3. Sputnik hotel
    Address: Leninskii av. 38.
    Tel. 930-30-97.
    Fax: 930-63-83.
    Breakfast is included.
  4. Souz hotel
    Address: Universitetskii av. 12.
    Tel. 147-60-04.
    Fax: 247-62-77.
    Reservation 25% from the price of one day, obligatory.
  5. Korston hotel
    Address: Kosygina 15.
    Tel. 939-80-00.
    Fax: 939-80-08.
    Breakfast is included.

Other hotels in Moscow can be found in web, see for example: