Department of Higher Algebra

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Writing /var/www/vhosts/algebra/en/wiki/data/cache/8/80542dea3f6dc8985e318448d7b92744.i failed
Unable to save cache file. Hint: disk full; file permissions; safe_mode setting.
Writing /var/www/vhosts/algebra/en/wiki/data/cache/8/80542dea3f6dc8985e318448d7b92744.i failed
Unable to save cache file. Hint: disk full; file permissions; safe_mode setting.
Writing /var/www/vhosts/algebra/en/wiki/data/cache/8/80542dea3f6dc8985e318448d7b92744.xhtml failed
Writing /var/www/vhosts/algebra/en/wiki/data/cache/4/4e96430d7654e779ac00e1f281e04ad3.i failed
Unable to save cache file. Hint: disk full; file permissions; safe_mode setting.
Writing /var/www/vhosts/algebra/en/wiki/data/cache/4/4e96430d7654e779ac00e1f281e04ad3.i failed
Unable to save cache file. Hint: disk full; file permissions; safe_mode setting.
Writing /var/www/vhosts/algebra/en/wiki/data/cache/4/4e96430d7654e779ac00e1f281e04ad3.xhtml failed

Recent invited addresses:

Visiting Professor at the University of Oslo, Norway, Oslo, November, 2010
Visiting Professor at the Hamilton Institute of Mathematics, Dublin, Ireland, September 2010
Visiting Professor at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, August, June 2010
Visiting Professor at INRIA, Saclay, and Ecole Polytechnique, CMAP, France, Paris, April 2010
Visiting Professor at the University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal, March 2010
Visiting Professor at the University of Patras and the University of Athens, Greece, June-July 2009
Visiting Professor at the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Slovenia, Ljubljana, August 2008, June 2009
Visiting Professor at INRIA, Saclay, and Ecole Polytechnique, CMAP, France, Paris, April, June – August and November 2008
Visiting Professor at the University of Stockholm, Sweden, January – June, 2007
Visiting Professor at INRIA, Rocquencourt, France, Paris, June – August 2006
London Mathematical Society Lectureship Fellow at the University of Birmingham, UK, Birmingham, October 2005
Visiting Professor at the University of Dortmund, Germany, Dortmund, June – August 2005
Visiting Professor at the University of Dortmund, Germany, Dortmund, September – December 2004
Visiting Professor at the Bielefeld University, Germany, Bielefeld, July 2004
Visiting Professor at the Porto University, Portugal, Porto, September 2003
Visiting professor at Sung Kyun Kwan University and Pohang Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, Seoul, Pohang, January 2003
Visitor in the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, Rehovot, May – August 1997