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Спецсеминар "Графы на поверхностях и кривые над числовыми полями"

Семинар проходит по средам в ауд. 14-15 Главного здания, начало в 18:30.


1. Yu.Yu. Kochetkov, Dessins of `octopus` type.

2. T.M. Sadykov (Plekhanov Russian University), Dessins d'enfants and hypergeometric functions.

3. Closing the semester.


1. Petr Dunin-Barkowski, Topological recursion for dessins d'enfants - 2.

2. Miscellany.


1. Petr Dunin-Barkowski, Topological recursion for dessins d'enfants.

We prove, in a purely combinatorial way, the spectral curve topological recursion for the problem of enumeration of bi-colored maps, which are dual objects to dessins d’enfant.

2. Miscellany.


1. B. Bychkov, Degrees of the strata of Hurwitz spaces.

2. Miscellany.


1. G.B. Shabat, Some new calculations.

2. Miscellany.


G.B. Shabat. Modular functions and Belyi pairs (cont.).


1. D. Racicot-Desloges. One special family of non-realizable passports.

2. A. Vatuzov. Groebner bases for anti-Vandermonde system solutions.


1. G.B. Shabat. Modular functions and Belyi pairs (cont.).

2. G.B. Shabat. Some news on genus 2 dessins with 8 edges.

3. G.B. Shabat. Singularities in the moduli space of algebraic curves of genus 2.

4. A. Vatuzov. New ideas concerning the Leila Flower.


G.B. Shabat. Modular functions and Belyi pairs (cont.).


G.B. Shabat. Modular functions and Belyi pairs.


1. Yu. Yu. Kochetkov. On the arithmetics of certain plane trees (after L. Zapponi).

2. Discussions.


1. G.B. Shabat. Deformations of Birch pair in genus 2.

2. What did we do during the long vacations?


1. G.B. Shabat. The impossible Belyi pairs.

2. D. Oganesyan. Abel pairs of genus 1 and their j-invariants.


1. David Racicot-Desloges. Some (infinite) families of non-realizable passports and further observations - II.

2. D. Oganesyan. Abel pairs of genus 1 and their j-invariants.


1. David Racicot-Desloges. Some (infinite) families of non-realizable passports and further observations.

2. Nikolay Adrianov. Chapuy's recurrence for unicellular maps and its proof.

3. Miscellany.


1. G.B. Shabat. Ravines, slopes and Euler-Bernoulli triangle.

2. N.M. Adrianov, Chapuy's recurrence for unicellular maps and its proof.

3. A. Vatuzov, Drawing plane trees and their transformations in true shape.


G.B. Shabat, On the critical filtration of spaces of rational functions.


N.Ya. Amburg, On the number of points of moduli spaces over finite fields.


G.B. Shabat, Fullerenes and dessins d'enfants. Room 16-22.

Fullerenes, being a hot point of modern chemistry and several theoretical sciences, have lots of applications, ranging from quantum computers to medicine.

The mathematical aspects of the fullerenes theory are also diverse. Various fullerenes-related topics of graph theory, finite groups and their representations, geometry of polytopes, isoperimetric problems, etc., can be found in many current papers. The talk is aimed at the considerations of yet another mathematical discipline, the theory of dessins d’enfants, that, hopefully, can promote the understanding of combinatorics and geometry of fullerenes.

The basics of dessins d’enfants theory will be introduced and the calculations related to one of the simplest cases presented.


D. Oganesyan, G.B. Shabat, Abel-Pell equations.


1. G.B. Shabat, Catalan numbers.

2. N.M. Adrianov, Encoding dessins using permutations.


G.B. Shabat, Chapuy recursion.


D. Oganesyan, G.B. Shabat, Toric unicellular dessins and propellers.


1. G.B. Shabat, Deleting vertices of low valencies.

2. Everybody: How did we spend our summers.