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Vinberg, Ernest Borisovich

Èrnest Borisovich Vinberg passed away on May 12, 2020.

[ Русская версия ]

Date of birth: July 26, 1937, Moscow. Married, has 1 son.

Research interests: Lie groups and Lie algebras, homogeneous spaces, symplectic geometry, invariant theory, representation theory, algebraic geometry, discrete subgroups of Lie groups, reflection groups, hyperbolic geometry, automorphic forms

Education and degrees:

1984: Doctor of Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics,
      Leningrad State University
1962: Ph.D., Branch of Applied Mathematics, Steklov Mathematical Institute
1959-61: Postgraduate student, Chair of Algebra, Moscow State University
1954-59: Student, Moscow State University


1990-2020: Professor, Chair of Algebra, Moscow State University
1992-2020: Professor, Independent University of Moscow
1965-90: Associate Professor, Chair of Algebra, Moscow State University
1962-65: Teaching Assistant, Chair of Algebra, Moscow State University

Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Transformation Groups” (1996-2020); Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Matem. Prosveshchenie” (2006-20); Member of the Editorial Board of “Trudy Mosk. Mat. Obshch.” (2002-20); Member of the Editorial Board of “Journal of Lie Theory” (1994-2019); Member of the Editorial Board of “Functional Analysis and its Applications” (2005-20)

Member of the Board of the Moscow Mathematical Society

Invited Address at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Warsaw, 1983; Prize of the Moscow Mathematical Society, 1963 (shared with S.G.Gindikin); Alexander von Humboldt Prize, 1997; Foreign honorary members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2010)

Ph.D. Theses directed: 43

Publications of E.B. Vinberg on Math-Net.Ru